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300ml HDPE Plastic Natural Round Bottle 38mm Tamper Evident Lids

SKU: 300RHDPE-B-10

$7.20 ex. GST
$8.00 in. GST

Colour Lids
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This Bottle is great for starting your own juicing or smoothie company traditional shape HDPE square bottle. HDPE is great for packing acidic,
alcoholic and vegetable oil based products.These strong plastic milk bottles give you the durability needed with a professional look and tamper
proof caps for your home or business.This Bottle is great for starting your own juicing or smoothie company.

Best For :
Tamper evident, Fruit juice, Smoothie, Water, Mineral water, Organic beverage,
Flavoured beverages, Self bottling, Orange juice, Pineapple juice, Apple juice,
Acidic beverages, Alcohol, Vegetable based oil products.
Material: HPDE: 
    Capacity: 300 ml
    Colour: Natural

Type: Bottles

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